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​The African Sports Business Association (ASBA) seeks to create centers of excellence in Africa for sports business education that are in the vanguard of global business opportunities in sport.


By bringing together universities in the US and Europe with business schools and universities in Africa, ASBA will develop new accredited courses from degrees to MBAs.


The ASBA is a membership organization with the mission to boost the number of sports business students participating and achieving sports business educational qualifications to harness the growth of the sports business industry in the African continent.



Our objectives are:-


1. To develop a member organization that brings together stakeholders; universities, businesses, sports organizations, charities and other associated organizations, to progress the development of sports business and sports business education in Africa.


2. To promote sports business education in Africa through imaginative campaigns based on equal opportunity  for all.


3. To promote sports entrepreneurship and innovation and the growth of Small and Medium size Enterprises (SMEs).


4. To particularly encourage girls and women to participate at every level of the ASBA and enroll for sports business courses.


5. To increase the number of students in Africa successfully achieving diplomas, degrees and MBAs in sports business courses.


6. To create 1,000 business jobs in sport for students from Africa within five years and 5,000 jobs within ten years


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